uno: you only tease those you love.
bryon burned some popcorn. this wouldn't be something to report on unless bryon wasn't the biggest, loudest, whiniest, whingiest (should i go on?) complainer about people burning popcorn in the microwave. i'm talking big blubbering baby tears. cantankerous, curmudeony protests if he even thinks he smells a hint of burned popcorn. so you can imagine our reaction when mr. westmoreland burned his own bag of corn yesterday afternoon. the microwave still has a smell lingering and its insides are a permanent ochre.
marya: bryon puts the ass in nasty.
carrie: bryon puts the ass in nasty in the microwave.
bryon leaves for australia on saturday. forever. (insert sobs and tearful goodbyes). we will miss him.
and here's a little webgeek humor for you (if you can call it humor)... my friend elias was loved by one of the pickiest art teachers at our university. if you could get this woman to like you, it was like a badge of honor. she specifically had a reputation for disliking students in my program. yet this teacher loved elias (well, who couldn't help but love him?).
marya: she loved elias. she wrote him a recommendation to get into an mfa program!
wyeth: she wasn't anti-eliased?
(okay -- was that the crowd groaning i heard? i'll hold off on the encore.).
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