Friday, January 09, 2004

the daily distraction
part one

scribbler. how i love thee.

number one, as stated in previous emdot annals, doodling is a sign of the highest intelligence and compassion. to doodle is to connect with what is great and powerful.

i have proof as it has gotten me through more than 1,000 brain-numbing and eternally eye-crossed meetings. that, my friends, is power. and then there is my astounding intelligence and compassion. which go without saying.

so when zefrank creates a doodle machine that then interprets your masterpiece into lines of unmeasurable beauty, well you sit up a little taller, don't you? and you bookmark the page. and you visit it regularly (may i suggest bookmarking it on your laptop so when you take you computer in to the meeting you can keep a fingernail's grip your sanity?)

» the scribbler
» gallery

the daily distraction
part dooce

» humping dogs and snorting neighbors
not for the weak or meek

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