For those of you not hitting the highways and the skyways on this, the most traveled traveling day full of travelers, I bring back the Daily Distraction. :)
tasty ear treats
First of all, I want to remind you about Morning Becomes Eclectic on KCRW from 9 to 12, Monday through Friday. You can stream it and it's worth it, 'specially if your music listening's in a rut, like me. (Ooooh and today it's live in house performance of [Jon Spencer's] Blues Explosion... tune in).
» Morning Becomes Eclectic
What Kind of Dog Are You?
Why a personality-test-taking type of course. Actually, it's a little crazy how accurate this test is. It may soon pass the Myers-Briggs as the definitive personality test. Oh and by the way, I'm a Tibetan Spaniel, which is not an actual spaniel, but a non-yappy lap dog that likes to show off when it's not taking naps. Um, I mean, that is brave and wonderful and fabulous and does tricks! Yeah, that's it. And it always gets its taxes done on time. And it never has a second piece of cake or adds extra cream to its coffee.
» Find yer canine equivalent
(the link is in the right-hand nav under GAMES)
I love Donnie Darko
There's a photo on Flickr that makes me laugh every time I see it. So I said so in the comments and favoritized it and got an email back from said owner of the t-shirt with the subject line of "sometimes I doubt..." and an email that read "your commitment to Sparkle Motion." Which made me spit my coffee out all over my monitor cuz it caught me off guard and is probably one of the all time funniest email to read from a stranger. He included a link to the T. I'm pretty excited about getting this shirt for my own.
» Show your commitment
Dolphins are cooler than you and me
For some reason this story is really sticking with me. A group of swimmers were out in the ocean and found themselves surrounded by a posse of dolphin (for from now on, groups of dolphin will be known as a posse of dolphin). When they tried to get out of the ring of dolphin they found themselves being herded back together. The dolphins created a tighter and tighter circumference around the swimmers. Turns out there was a great white shark prowling nearby. The dolphins protected the humans for over 40 minutes -- until the shark swam away. And that pretty much blows my mind and gets me thinking that if I were a better person I'd be a vegetarian again. Instead I will commit to not eating the dolphins. ;)
» We all need a circle of dolphins
Some photos that I've recently loved (from Flickr)
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