Thursday, June 14, 2007

very quickly because i'm at work so this will have to constitute as an official mid-morning break

frog in the garden, originally uploaded by ranjit.

one. this awesome funny photo of everyday fabulous life from ranjit. if you aren't familiar with ranjit go, go now and roll around in the goodness which is his flickr stream. spend extra time in his farmer's market scans which are brilliant. and don't forget to say hi to samson (i'll come back at my lunch hour and put in the direct links).

two. expensr. yesterday 7s sent me a link to this freaking awesome web site which helped me figure out where in the heck all my money went to. go now. sign up. and see how much easier it's going to be to figure out your money woes, i mean situation.

three. arcade fire interview on fresh air.

four. rule the web by mark frauenfelder. not sure which is better, the book, the book idea, or saying frauenfelder a million times out loud.

1 comment:

John Tischer said...

Nice frog you got there...anyway, My daughter turned me on to blogspot so I have one now Rick said he posted to you. Now I can be a blogger too! Yeah!
Best, John