Monday, August 28, 2006

the tree inside

the tree inside, originally uploaded by emdot.

I've been having nightmares.

Wolves at the door. Killer at the door. Problems seemingly brewing at the service and me, scared shitless and moving too slow. Moving too slow. Moving too slow.

In one dream I call 911 and realize I can't get through. So I call my dad.

"Dad!!" I say, when he answers the phone. "You have to call 911 for me. I can't get through!!"

And he says, "Marya, you got yourself into this mess...."

The waking question the last two mornings has been, what mess have I gotten myself into? I don't know and I'm afraid to find out. Meanwhile, I feel like I need to make a list of all dangling issues and participles.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

blue moon

blue moon, originally uploaded by emdot.

well it's about time

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Of all the times in your life when you have been in captivity, this has to be one of the least arduous and frustrating ever. I'll go so far as to say that I have rarely seen a more beautiful prisoner than you; for a drudge in bondage, you're ravishing. As hard as it may be to contemplate, however, it's almost time to escape. Your dark though sexy night of the soul will soon come to an end. Don't you dare linger any longer than you have to. [rob brezny]

Monday, August 07, 2006


?, originally uploaded by senzor.

this photo... i have been loving this photo now for many days. i had to share it here, too. this photo knocks me out.

More photos I've recently loved...
(these as well are not my photos; please click on the photo to see the photographer's stream)

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