Saturday, August 10, 2002

seajay's guide to health

i was complaining about my propensity to catch the common (and persistent and buggered) cold this year to daveworld and got some sage advice from seajay, an artist of artists who lives in winterpeg canada and has her own battles with immunity's mutinies, not to mention her quest for immune impunity. seajay says that there are six truths we must come face-to-face with in order to live as one with our healthy self. and here they are.

Truth one - do something that causes you pleasure each and every day. (it can be selfish or selfless - so long as it makes you feel actual physical pleasure)

Truth two - listen to your body - it will tell you when it needs iron or starch or sugar or salt. You will crave foods. Eat those things you crave. In moderation. Also listen to your brain and if your craving is marshmallow and chocolate on a constant basis consider looking into that. You don't need to know which things have which particular nutrients - your body speaks their language, it knows what it wants. Just listen.

Truth three - human bodies need rest. Listen to yours and rest when it asks you to.

Truth four - exercise it - the body likes to work.

Truth five - deal with your shit. Your immune system hates dangling swords and shadows. Sucks like hell while you do it and then you can move along.

Truth six - laugh.

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