i'm sure you've heard the story about the boys who fell into freezing water while walking on thin ice. two boys survived. their friends drowned. these are little boys, not in puberty yet.
this morning on the today show they had those two boys on. i had to turn the tv off. the first boy seemed as though the reality of what had happened had not sunk in yet, as he very quickly related the events that happened in a monotone, flat voice. then katie goes for the jugular, asking the second little boy to describe what it was like to cling to one of the drowning boys, trying to save him. cut to the boys face and it is scrunched up in a painful, traumatized way and he is out-and-out bawling on tv, tears streaming from his eyes. "oh, i'm sorry," says couric.
i had to turn the tv off. this is the lowest of the low. have we really sunk to this place where we have no decency to take a little child's grief and honor it in some way? in a way that does not exploit? have we no compassion? no decency at all? it was an all time low for the american news.
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