Saturday, July 19, 2003

where's the humor?

my dad gave me a great piece of advice a couple of months ago. he said, "keep your sense of humor."

are you pissed? where's your sense of humor for your situation?
are you depressed? where's your sense of humor for your situation?

meaning, if you can find the humor in your predictament — and there is always something funny about the human experince — then you'll be okay. better than okay. you'll be sane.

tonight i got pissed. party at the house. i didn't know about it until it jumped to full swing at 11:00. i'm not a good one for no preparation. if i can have a little forwarning... know what to expect... i can be fairly easy going. or at least on the precipice of easy going.

but techno-central-light-show took me by surprise. just a little bit. and i tried to be flexible, to sleep despite the noise. but by 2:00... each minute i seemed to become more tense until there were tears in my eyes and i realized i was just fucking pissed off.

well, now i can find some humor in it. but not until i stormed off telling capo "for the record, i am leaving the house! i cannot stay here!!"

stomp stomp stomp off i go into the 2 am nighttime. and the music gets switch off and i can hear capo calling out "what, it's all my fault?!"

and of course it's not all his fault. it's probably not all anyone's fault. if i'd had known ahead time... if i'd been into the party thing... if if if. argh.

and i sat here... scowly... growly... and then i remembered my dad's advice.

find the humor. can you find the humor? i can hear him chiding me now.

and there was humor there. humor in my motion-towards-woundupness. humor in the exhuberance of the partiers to the point that they didn't even realize they were being other-worldly loud.

and my heart instantly softened. instantly. i'm like folgers crystals or something.

but i stormed off without my cell phone so i can't call capo and tell him...

ahhhh. whatever. it just is what it is. i'll get over myself.

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