Friday, September 26, 2003

open to others and don't compartmentalize

The approach to working with others that I would like to advocate is one in which spontaneity and humanness are extended to others, so that we can open to others and not compartmentalize our understanding of them. This means working first of all with our natural capacity for warmth....When you work in this way with others, it is very powerful. When someone begins to feel that he or she is not being pigeonholed and that there is some genuine connection taking place between the two of you, then that person begins to let go. She begins to explore you and you begin to explore her. Some kind of unspoken friendship begins to develop.

— chogyam trungpa

imagine if we could treat others like this all the time or if others treated us like this -- bosses, coworkers, old friends, family members... it'd be amazing.

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