Thursday, October 02, 2003

long and rambly

my friends, i have been pretty slacky with keeping the blog up. so many changes. so much work. not so much internet connection, as i haven't set that up at home. but truly, i'm glad about this — it keeps me off the box. it keeps me doing other things.

i have some pictures to upload.

shouts out to serena in seattle (but migrating to colorado) and heather in santa cruz (but migrating ?? ??). i love you both (and you would like each other too! some day we'll have an introduction). i would love to hear how each of you are doing.

shout out to raebean who got re-hitched or continuously hitched this weekend. it makes me sad in my heart i couldn't have been there. i love you too.

shout out to rebbie con cause. rebs, everyone who comes to my site seems to find it via google by typing in "rebel." though the most common search word i get is "teeny" which just plain stumps me.

love to everyone.

lessee what's been going on....

i was slightly obsessed with the whole CIA leaking scandal this week. but then i realized, i didn't need to get so wrapped up in it.... so, something bad happened. hopefully someone will figure this out. hopefully someone will act with integrity. can you imagine if that would happen. you would hear the collective silence of the world as it held its breathe in a moment of awe as it contemplated the thought of an honest politician.

i pledged to kcbx. everyone. please. give to yer local public radio stations.

i restarted my work out program. thank you. thank you.

i got a belated birthday present from my wonderful, fabulous, and incredibly sweet sister. i wish we spent more time together.

i read the news about the hurrican in halifax. i've got loved ones there.

i cut my bangs.

i unpacked more boxes. i've got so much crap. where does it all come from and even more pertinently ... where am i going to put it all?

oh oh oh — how could i leave this so late on the list — fabulously wonderful baby shower for miss carrie jean last night at mission grill. great time! the little round tummy will eventually be named rainier, but we are all still pushing her to change the middle name to "Johnny-Cash-Barber."

working working working.

this email is just rambly and boring enough that i will probably delete it in the morning.

who needs my new address? write me! i'll share it.

hugs love kisses best thoughts,

mar. i mean, emdot.

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