Saturday, December 03, 2005

goose egg

so this weekend is all about cleaning up and clearing out. time to do some reorganizing and decluttering.

this includes my ~500 CDs which have been in no specific order for the last two years. i moved their location, took them all out and alphabetized (yes, i know, not the best system, but better than nothing) and began to put them on their shelves, which is two cd cases stacked on top of each other. and i got them all shelved and was feeling good.

and then i found a small stack that hadn't been shelved. so i begin to put them in their correct space, and in my enthusiasm (i blame my enthusiasm), the top case began to wobble.

whoops i thought. that's not so sturdy. so was even more careful and then (i was sitting on the floor, reaching up) the whole thing begins to rock and then crashes (CRASHES!) on my head. 250 sharply cornered cd cases and the wooden rack all pummelled down on me.


so i've just sat quietly for the last 25 minutes with a bag of frozen peas on top of my head. but i'm pretty sure this will turn into a sizeable lump no matter. waaaah.



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