Tuesday, June 11, 2002

the eclipse. we watched it. it was great. all of the shadows coming through the trees and hitting our shed were crescents as well. i loved the darkened, muted sky. it reminded me of fire weather. it reminded diana of the sun trying to get in after a big rain. the birds stopped chirping for a bit and then started up when the sun began to come back (it's still just coming back here).

dan also burned his eyes. he can't see the burned parts of his tofu meant for his thai dinner. he burned it bc he was outside too long with the eclipse.

jim is trying to tell me that our mockingbirds are not really mockingbirds, but starlings that mock. that pisses me off until i realize that maybe what we have are mock mockingbirds. mock-squared.

wizard the cat found and conquered the catnip bush. it started out innocent enough. shane pulled a little twig off of it and let wizard roll around and eat and pounce and generally rule the little sprig. but this housemate did not know what a crack kitty wizard was.

we found him yesterday morning quite literally wrapped up in the rest of the bush. at that time the bush was still attached to the ground. (just a little bush someone planted a week or so ago). wizard wore the branches like catnip boas.. and he sprawled on his back, this way and that like a true porn kitty.

today he has a hangover. and he is a little grumpy and sad. the cat nip bush (the whole thing) is gone. i think he ate it.

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