Tuesday, June 25, 2002

today's link: alternate flags

what's been on my mind lately...

that blogging is ridiculous and i should take my web site down. i'm not sure i understand the point, and yet i've been doing this for over two years.

that "opinions" and the american obsession with being opinionated is just a great guise at keeping us from the important things: loving one another and realizing that we are much more similar than different. imagine if we put all of our "opinion" energy into "getting along with one another" energy or in just 'being quiet" energy... i think you would see a peaceful revolution happen.

that we (americans) need to get back in touch with nature. this goes most heavily to christians and anyone living in orange county. (wait...was that an opinion?).

that for me, personally, meditation is a strange magical painreliever that seems to simplify my whole life. i don't understand how it works, but it is nothing short of extraordinary.

"There was none of this separation of the sacred and the secular: both spiritual and physical well-being were granted at the same time, because — and this is most important — the physical and the spiritual are two dimensions of the same coin."
– Thomas Berry, American Catholic monk
from The Sun Magazine

my two favorite magazines have similar names: the sun magazine and the shambhala sun. both worth a look, a read, a subscription.

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