Thursday, September 05, 2002

remington dahl — 007 and man of mystery

date: Wed 9/4/2002 11:05 AM
from: Remington Dahl
subject: On Sunday I came up to a stop light

On Sunday I came up to a stop light next to these two young babes who'd written "Honk if your a hottie" in the dust covering their back window. Being me, I tried but was completely unable to resist saying "Excuse me, but, the type of 'your' to which your sign refers requires an apostrophe after the 'u', and must end with an 'e'." Needless to say, they began massaging their breasts and telling me their deepest desires. All true but that last sentence. Their actual quotes were "Um... okay, dude. Thanks a bunch!" and "We'll be sure to correct that, professor." They wanted me.

They all want me.

- Me

date: Wed 9/5/2002 3:02 PM
from: Remington Dahl
subject: Last Weekend

Just a little something I like to do on the weekends...

that's rem on the ladder

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