my vicarious photoblog, opposite directions/circles, matrix
as stated many times before,
woodencracker takes the pictures i want to take. meaning... the little bits of slo town i love are always ending up on his blog. i love him for it. they are little snapshots of things that wouldn't mean that much to someone living far away, but for me it's a taste of home. lately you can see a bit of
the wall of the art center. the
building my company almost moved into (and it hugs chorro creek and is right downtown) and
my favorite sushi restaurant (tho the picture doesn't quite capture the deliciousness of this particular restaurant). i gotta get a digital camera. i might ask my dad if i can borrow his for a month.
i'm still in o.c. will attempt the drive north in a few hours. me and millions of others. how long do you think it will be stop-and-go on the 405 at LAX? my money's on 45 minutes. how long will it take me to inch north between ventura and santa barbara? i give it another extra 30.
driving past ventura always always always makes me think of spencer. i hate it when people aren't your friends anymore. :) maybe he was never my "friend." but anyway. years can go by, a decade even, and you will still miss certain people. i miss spencer.
a long time ago, when we were in between being "friends" i think, we kept trying to meet up. i would call when in sb and would just miss him. he'd write and i wouldn't understand that i was supposed to write back (sometimes i think i take "adios" too literally). twice he saw me on the 101, stopped in traffic, amidst hundreds of cars. what are those odds? he said he realized later we were just going in opposite directions. i guess that is right.
other weird things... how people in your life come and go and yet you continue to circle each other. i circle watson. watson cirlces me. he used to park his truck at griswolds and ride his bike into town. i live right off the bike path (right where it ends) and work right behind (and i mean directly) from where he parked his car. yet we never saw each other.
i love this. i hate this. life is such a little dance of electrons. what are we orbiting?
(wow. that was some tangent).
meanwhile, saturday night my dad, janet and i watched the first matrix. yesterday we went to see reloaded. it was my second time to see it and i liked it
so much more the second time. almost all of it i liked this time... except for the muddled ending, but i am willing to give them that. i am willing to overlook. i read opinions on i read
carsten's take. and after the movie yesterday my dad and i had a great — tho short — talk on the buddhist parallels. just as i am sure certain groups of other people are discussing other parallels.
here is my parallel scoop:
the christians say, "he's jesus; he's jesus."
the literature students say, "it's a quest film; it's a quest film."
the comicbookheads say, "he's superman; he's superman."
buddhists say, "he's me; he's you."