Friday, September 30, 2005
nigel's back
» nigel campbell
i love sweden
Meanwhile, Andrea Scher, the internet's own superhero jewelry maker, put up a link to Virtual Sweden, a site with many 360-degree photos and panoramas. As soon as I'm done writing this post I'm sending the link to Steffe and Anders (who is visiting Russia right now).
» Virtual Sweden
There are photos from other country's as well.
i take it back about the swedish winter darkness
Okay, I take it back, what I said in the last post about perhaps the only thing that I don't like about Sweden is the long hours of darkness in the winter.
Last winter Steffe took a series of beautiful glowy photos of greenhouses in the dark. ILOVETHESE.
» More Swedish Greenhouses
Thursday, September 29, 2005
I had to share this gorgeousness. Mr. Goleta, ironically, takes many photos in SLO County. Maybe he should change his name to Mr. Tri-Counties or something.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
overheard, part one
Mar: Where are you from?
D. Gregg: I grew up in Suburban Phoenix — which is redundant.
"One brings things together and the other sets things apart," said D. Gregg and I was completely floored because I have never met a person before who really spoke my hyphen/em-dash language.
He wasn't that familiar with the en-dash, tho, so I told him the difference between the en-dash and the em-dash and felt quite chuffed indeed.
overheard, part twootytoot
After work I ran into Melanie and I was really excited to see her. I've been thinking of her and Derek a lot since Live Oak, but, well, you know me: I suck at getting in touch with anyone. Everyone. I'm the Equal Opportunity Not Getting in Toucher.Big news = Melanie is preggers and due some time in March 2006 (2006 = the year of the dog). My first question was "oof. no booze?" (i was kidding, people) (but of course so ecstatic for the two of them because they are a truly fabulous couple; i adore them) while most everyone else's first question has to do with the gender of the baby.
Most everyone else: Do you know what you're having?
Melanie: Yes, a Pisces Dog.
new discoveries: footwear
- Quiet Shoes
- Loud Shoes
- Clippity Cloppity I'm a Clydesdale Shoes
I will buy new shoes this weekend.
an amazing day
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
i am late for work so none of this makes sense
There are a few universal truths in the world.
One of them is that I should not be allowed to own scissors.
How on earth it is that I think that I should cut my hair myself — after it is already dry and when I am kinda slightly running late for work — is a mystery that I don't think anyone could solve.
I can't even STYLE my hair on my own. So cutting it? Really, that's like me thinking because I can sometimes climb Bishop's Peak that Everest is a damn good idea. I should climb it. Before work. I'm sure I could be back in time.
Monday, September 26, 2005
window shopping
Myla pointed out in one of the photos that it is the unexpected person who winds up in your frame when you are shooting "street" that really makes the photo. I totally agree. Those random occurrances breathe life into still life.
I don't know Myla except recently through flickr but she really makes me smile. She's got one of those very generous souls that is quick to share a friendly word. People like that are to be cherished, even if you only know them though the internets.
I know I recently just blogged another Myla photo, but whatareyagonnado? You gotta blog what moves you.
» View Myla Kent's window set as a slide show
Sunday, September 25, 2005
the keri smith phenomenom
"We are fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance."She and her husband (and another friend?) have recently made a movie about dancing in public. Read the story. It's a good one. And three cheers to Keri and Jeff who seem to live life completely true to themselves no matter what. You gotta admire that.
— Japanese proverb
» Wish Jar Journal
to all my friends
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive.Myla Kent's photostream has been a special place for me on Flickr. If you aren't familiar with her, I recommend going there when you have about 30 minutes to spare. Sit down with a cup of coffee and browse Myla's photos and read the quotes that go along with them.
— anäis nin
» Myla Kent on Flickr
» Myla Kent's photoblog
Saturday, September 24, 2005
things i've read and loved
- this is why i read dooce
- i loved this quote found on
Sleep after toyle, port after stormie seas,
Ease after war, death after life, does greatly please.
— Spencer, The Fairie Queene - explanation of why floaty things (like cheerios) gravitate towards each other (from
- article about introvertism (also from kottke)
i am an introvert, tho few people believe me. i need a lot of alone-recharging time and sometimes being with people really drains my batteries. not that i don't like these people. i typically love them. but i just need time to regroup. recharge. etc.
- Lucinda live in concert
- living with a.l.s. (warning: heartbreaker)
Friday, September 23, 2005
Today's horoscope.
"Take the time." Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you will meet some sort of challenge to the structure of your daily life, that is, your home life, intimate relations, routine daily contacts and so forth. All of us have hidden tensions that cause us to operate in ways that we do not understand. The effect of this influence is to bring these tensions to the surface. Thus you may feel ill at ease within yourself and have a bit more difficulty in getting along with others, particularly with men. Now several small areas of your life may simultaneously reach a crisis that forces you to pay more attention to what is happening. This is especially likely to happen with situations or persons that you have been taking for granted. You should take the time to correct little problems as they arise and give them the attention that they require.

This would have really helped if I had read this before getting out of bed today. Or at the least, before going to work. No, no, at the least-least before calling my friend whom I was veryupsetwith and being very verbally upset and then making matters that much worse. Today sucked.
And for once I actually reached out (which I never do, but know I should) and nobody was around. It makes me sad to even think about it. So my downward spiral just accelerated. I felt pretty uncomfortable and just plain weird all day. And even now still.
It's funny how sometimes horoscopes can be so completely on the money. This one was from
Thursday, September 22, 2005
dilo: coffee and css
Did I drink? Hell yes.
Did I like it? Hell no.
Meanwhile, morning spent trying to boost myself from css beginner to css middler. Progress? The jury's still out and wrapped in competing span and div tags. Rzzl frzzl.
dilo: driving to work music
» Uncle Tupelo
» Anthology
day in the life: dilo: breakfast at linnaea'
BTW, KB updated her blog (SweetDogK)last night, so check it out.
» Linnaea's Cafe
» SweetDogK
day in the life: dilo 09.22.05
DILO happens four times a year — each time on the first day of the new season. This is my fourth DILO (dec 04, mar 05, jun 05 completed) and my first at my new job. I gotta say, I think DILO is easier and more interesting when you aren't in an office, but we'll see how it goes.
Check out the group and you'll see DILOs from people all around the world. From the everyday to the completely exotic.
» DILO on Flickr
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
overheard on tv
- - - -
grrrr. obviously not a terrible procrastinator. look, i don't mind having many people in my procrastination tribe, but i do not appreciate those posing to fit in. getting things done in january removes your "procrastinator" elibility FOREVER.
AND how dare she mock us that way. (using the royal us, here)
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
look who i found on flickr!
Flickr strikes again, this time getting me back in touch with my old friend Jijnes (pronounce Jigness). Jig and I worked together at IPTech about 50 million years ago and He. Is. The. Best! And recently married and doing well and just moved back to Cali after three years on the East Coast.
Being able to catch up with an old friend through a couple of Flickr pages... that is pretty cool.
Monday, September 19, 2005
lunch-time blogging
Listen up. This is important. Easy Rider is playing tomorrow night at the Fremont. Do not miss that.
it had to be posted
This has been cracking me up since I saw it last night, and so, it had to be posted.
the photographer who took it said
you would have cracked up a bit more had you been there too. it was just too crazy. i saw this big thing jump out of the [seahawks] van after parking, and start jogging up swiftly, so i had to get the camera ready for when it came up to get a candid, but as soon as the bird saw me, it *immediately* stopped and mugged! then went right back on its way into the building, never to be seen again. it was pretty hilarious.
take a favorites holiday
If you need a little brain break today, take five minutes and sit and watch a Flickr slide show. Not sure where to go or what to look out? Check out my favorites. They are FABULOUS if I don't say so myself.
"Favorites" are the photos of others that you see on Flickr and "star" them so that you can see them again and again and again. Flickr stores your favorites in one spot so that you can look at them whenever you'd like. You can click on them randomly or watch them as a slideshow.
» Watch my faves as a slide show
something new in the neighborhood
I've been wanting to do a redesign of emdot for a long time now. I'd say months, but even that wouldn't be true. For a year or so, I'd say.
Today I started with a template makeover (or atleast a cut and color) which you can see here and well as on the index page. I haven't done any of the other pages, but look for that in the upcoming weeks.
Another thing coming soon: total revamp of several sections. From bio to links to slotown. Emdot's going in for the overhaul. It had to be done. I found I wasn't even blogging anymore because I was so unhappy with the same-old same-old.
So, here's to a step in a new direction. I'm hoping to get comments installed, too. So any chatty cathy's out there will have that to look forward to.
If you see any problems with the current layout (I wasn't able to check it on all browsers), please drop me a line. I know I need to fix the rollover on the images (try it — you'll see a dotted underline show up and make the photos bounce). Also, typos do not count. ~smile~ My email is at the top right.
Friday, September 16, 2005
american gothic, revisited.
This photo came courtesy of FlickrSocial, a group I admin on Flickr. Fant had posted a link to it in a thread called what i learned today in flickr (paraphrased name). I love that thread. I've seen some funny photos through it.
Anyway, this photo. Can you not get enough of it? It cracks me up!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Big Al's My Pal
How cool is that? I was so surprised and floored. And then gleeful and silly. The nicest gesture — meant the world. ;)
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
the trib features nick and elaine and their nola family
elaine is one of the coolest people you could ever meet -- and so different from anybody else you'd meet here in slo town, and that is cuz elaine's from new orleans. it means that she calls you "child" and "cher" and "baby" and it sounds as natural as anything. it means you are always welcome in her home. it means she can swear like a sailor and it sounds like the sweetest words you've ever heard. it means there is always a mardi gras party at her house every year with a real king cake and real jambalaya and gumbo. it means she has a great accent. and it means her door is pretty much always open.
her family has been evacuated and rescued and some have come to live with her and nick and her kids.
» our local paper ran an article on them.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
mar: and i was reading the best book that week, Le Divorce.
- - - - - - -
It was a good book. A much better book than the movie. Which is what everyone says, but for this one, very true.
- - - - - - -
Dinner tonight at the Crepe place with Tom. That is one of my favorite restaurants right now, tho I never order the crepes. I order their most delicious roast beast sandwich. Very tasty.
Sunday, September 04, 2005
being poor
» john scalzi, being poor
Saturday, September 03, 2005
heavy sigh
what's to say in real life when there is such a national tragedy?
i've found my foot in my mouth on more than one occasion, but only realizing it later. thinking i have an opinion only to realize, who am i to have an opinion on this? it is so sad. fingers are pointing in all kinds of directions. i think people (leaders) need to be held accountable, but first people need to be helped. (see -- i only have the most obvious things to write.)
how can i help? i'm 3,000 miles away. i guess all you can do (here) is sending money. you could donate blood, too.
other things i want to say but they sound arrogant, uninformed, and preachy:
to have compassion -- real compassion -- for the people who are suffering so much;
to have compassion for the reasons they were left in new orleans; while there is no blanket reason for everyone, most were left behind because of poverty. i hope this opens middle-class america's eyes that real poverty exists on a huge scale. sometimes i think we think it doesn't really exist; that it's not that bad; that people choose to be poor. hopefully we will understand more about poverty and want to help these people and communities.
this photo is from one of my favorite flickr peeps, publicenergy. he lives in nottinghamshire in the UK.