Saturday, September 03, 2005

heavy sigh

Originally uploaded by publicenergy.
what's to say in your blog when there is such a national tragedy?

what's to say in real life when there is such a national tragedy?

i've found my foot in my mouth on more than one occasion, but only realizing it later. thinking i have an opinion only to realize, who am i to have an opinion on this? it is so sad. fingers are pointing in all kinds of directions. i think people (leaders) need to be held accountable, but first people need to be helped. (see -- i only have the most obvious things to write.)

how can i help? i'm 3,000 miles away. i guess all you can do (here) is sending money. you could donate blood, too.

other things i want to say but they sound arrogant, uninformed, and preachy:

to have compassion -- real compassion -- for the people who are suffering so much;

to have compassion for the reasons they were left in new orleans; while there is no blanket reason for everyone, most were left behind because of poverty. i hope this opens middle-class america's eyes that real poverty exists on a huge scale. sometimes i think we think it doesn't really exist; that it's not that bad; that people choose to be poor. hopefully we will understand more about poverty and want to help these people and communities.


this photo is from one of my favorite flickr peeps, publicenergy. he lives in nottinghamshire in the UK.

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