Thursday, January 09, 2003

song and rehearsal

yesterday i heard the sweetest song by paul simon. it's called "father and daughter" and for a short time you can download it from my site. i'll take it down soonly. i shared this with stephen m. yesterday and he thought it was too straight-forward drummy ("I like "slippery" beats," he said.). so if you can get over the drums and into the loping guitar and sweet lyrics, you might like this song. i sent it to my dad.

rehearsals started. the space is in a warehouse and is shivery cold from concrete floors and metal chairs. it is strictly barebones. jenn (my sweet little bne -- best neighbor ever) has reported that it's getting lots of community buzz. slo was one of only four cities in the US selected to produce the play -- so that adds to the coolness. each thursday night performance will be for a specific charity and all proceeds will be doled out accordingly.


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