Wednesday, April 07, 2004

plug: wed am downloads

I forgot to give a plug to my favorite weekly jaunt last week: Salon's Wednesday Morning Downloads. I think you'll need to be a subscriber to play (if you aren't a subscriber I highly recommend you become one and mention "EMDOT" when you sign up — I'll get a free month). Once a week Salon (well, their columnist Thomas Bartlett) lists interesting new tracks with about five downloads for your listening pleasure. One or two (sometimes three) of these downloads will be free, the rest are up for grabs via iTunes or your jukebox of choice.

Four or five weeks into and the facts are stacked: Bartlett makes good choices. His remark about "you really really like Indie Rock" today cracked me up and yet I still wonder why radio stations have not figured this out yet. Hello American Radio, we want our indie rock (and how). Bartlett mixes it up, though. He's into cross genre pollinization.

Meanwhile, here on the Central Toast of California we lost our beloved K-Otter to the formidable K-PIG a few months ago. In the beginning I was actually digging the change — the Pig, while being in the same general genre as the Otter, was playing songs I'd never heard or songs I was extremely stoked to hear. I lamented the loss of the local DJs, but still was quite stoked about the new mix.

But now I'm getting tired. And the Pig is definitely 150% more twangy than the Otter. While I do love the twang, I think I love it in the way that I love mayonnaise: it adds flavor but I don't want an inch of it on my sandwich.

Blah blah blah. I could blahg on here forever, don't mind me. And while you're out not minding me, make sure you take heed and head over to the aforementioned download page (also check out the archive list so you can get all the other singles he trumpeted from previous weeks). Tell 'em Em sent you.

» Wednesday Morning Downloads
» WMD archive page

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