Tuesday, May 21, 2002

rem's whiteboard is full of terrifying creature standoffs. the crocalope vs. the sharkbot. "which scares you more?" he wanted to know. i thought the sharkbot. "really?" he asked and then added, "they get rusty. the crocalope can run." i pondered this and finally acquiesced. i mean truthfully, a gracefully leaping creature bounding over the savannah with choppers that could crush you in two... that is scary. i tried to think of my own scary creature and came up with the anaconda-hah. "anaconda-hah?" asked rem, "don't you mean cheataconda?" from there we also came up with the lionasaurus rex.

but when you think about it, the lionasaurus rex doesn't really count. i mean, really, it's just about the same as a tyranasaurus rex proper. just with fur and purring.

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