Monday, March 17, 2003

long road to war

interesting show on frontline tonight... anyone else see it?

frontline took the shows they did on us/iraq in 12 years... from a show they did on us providing arms to iraq; to saddam's ruthless terror over its own citizens, kurds, and kuwaitis; to hiding weapons to hawks-neoreaganites and realist conservatives; to wishy-washy clinton era; to bush43 election; to sept 11; to today.... it took pieces from all and showed "the long road to war."

maybe you can see a rerun in your area.

the long road web site has links to all of the previous shows as well as links to chronology and other links to inform yourself.

it appeared to me that this was a fairly unbiased show. heh. but i'm not sure that i can tell unbiased anymore, so check it out and see for yourself.

flip the w in war and you get mar. :) la mar de mar. (the sea of i-can't-tell-what-is-biased-anymore... a great place to visit, not sure if you wanna live there.)

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