Thursday, March 20, 2003

some buddhist thoughts, as we step into war

"Wishing to increase the suffering in order to eventually minimize it is in fact the logic of terrorism, and of war. It isn't necessary for you to make this choice, on these terms. All that is necessary is to wish suffering on no one. The minute you allow yourself to be drawn into the struggle, even if you think you are doing good, the energy of war begins to feed on you as further fuel for the conflagration. We are all confused. Bring your mind back, and stay open. Trust in that." — CM

The Sakyong has encouraged the sangha to practice the Four Immeasurables in times like this. They are:

the even-minded attitude towards all beings and events

Maitri (loving-kindness)
the ability to stay open to those who have inflicted violence, and to those who are the victims

the ability to open our hearts to all beings who are undergoing unthinkable hardship; who are consumed by hatred

the ability to arouse the wish that everyone may attain enlightenment (or atleast step out of their samsara)

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