Wednesday, April 16, 2003

m. ward is coming to town

matt used to live at the house. a very quiet housemate. i'll never forget my ... amazement for lack of a better word the first time i ever saw him play. here was this very quiet unassuming person who'd lived in my house like a native american — so quiet and so concientious whispering through the forest so that no track was left and no leaf unturned.

so i went to see matt play when he was still in a band with kyle. rodriguez. and he was... big. a big energy. and jumpy. and loud. and musical. and kind of... just coming to life. like a firecracker.

i giggled the whole time.

that was years ago. a half a decade behind me. meshing with the edges, the shadows of my memory.

he is touring with vic chestnut and is returning to our sleepy little town.

meanwhile i listen to his latest cd, transfiguration of vincent. and it is good. scratchy. soft. melancholy. bittersweet. he's an indian-summer afternoon.

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