Tuesday, April 12, 2005

hot damn it is a beautiful morning

I guess we had a little earthquake this morning, which explains how I woke up before seven. BUT. The earthquake was only a 3.something. After the rockers in South East Asia I seriously wonder how a 3.something gets a mention on the news. But I guess if sprinkles can get a spot on the weather, 3.something can get a mention as well.

Maria Shriver has a new book out so is making the rounds. I heard her interviewed this morning. It's funny. As a reporter she really drove me crazy. Nuts. But as a first lady? She's amazing. I'm still on the fence about Arnie as govenator (not as bad as I thought he was going to be, but then he did that blowhard move with the teachers and the pay and I begin to think he is a total tool), but Maria as First Lady? My state totally lucked out.

She should be our permanent First Lady, serially marrying all the new govenors (regardless of gender).

Today she was talking about fear and mentioned the quote by Elenor Roosevelt: do something that scares you every day.

As a self-proclaimed scaredycat who has done my time frozen by fear, for some reason, this pat quote I have heard a million times today kind of came to life.

And I realized, truly: if you were to take that on as your own personal challenge, doing something that scares you every day, your whole life would transform. And not only because you would be pushing your limits, but because you wouldn't take fear so seriously.

Because the only response to "that scares me" would be, "so?"

So? may be my new favorite answer.

That scares me. So?

I heard another interview about honesty and truth. (Stupid interview question, "Is truth always the best answer?" Der. Like the interviewee is going to say "No." Blech.). And the interviewee (whom I've already forgotten) said, the key is Truth with out the brutal. I loved that. And ... that is my quandry. Usually I'm okay. But I think when it's Truth of the capital T variety that has somehow garnered some kind of weight in my world, the brutal just hitches a ride and smiles a demon smile, knowing that this is its opportunity to sneak out of my mouth unnoticed.

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