Sunday, March 07, 2004

it's making me late. making me cr-a-a-azy

things i love to tell you while i should be packing the bags i should have been packing ages ago:

1.) this was definitely the first weekend of spring/summer (depending on where you live and how you guage spring/summer; do you guage by temperature? attitudes? brightness of people's faces as they realize they are indeed wearing tanktops and feeling the sun hit their shoulders? or do you do the predictable and boring calendar/moon thing and snuff at the rest of us for not realizing that spring doesn't start for three more weeks and summer is still a season away? if yes, please have a maitai and try to be a little more creative and/or poetic in your everyday life; it makes things much more bearable. believe me.)

2.) so tonight at 11:30 while taking the litter out to the garbage (which is out on the street cuz the trash guys come tomorrow morning, so i had to travel down the long drive way), i was completely happy because i was still barefoot and bareshouldered. and the litter was out of the house. always a plus.

3.) the air smells like heavenly jasmine.

4.) my town is safe, so traipsing down the long drive way barefoot and bareshouldered in the middle of the night while taking in deep wafts of jasmine and not of kitten litter is not only a lovely thing to do but pretty damn safe.

5.) my new skirt, which i bought a size too small, is still a size too big and this is not because i have lost weight — though not being at the mind-numbingly, heartbreakingly, spirit-killing previous job has somehow melted off eight pounds and i haven't been to the gym since january 2 — but because stores are marking their clothes differently, as if making sure we buy smaller sizes will ensure we will buy more more more.

6.) note to store marketeers: i did buy two skirts insteada just one.

7.) the first new skirt may be the perfect new skirt and you may never see me in another outfit again. you have been warned. please adjust your expectations accordingly.

8.) all of my clothes seem to be sporting white fur these days. i can't wait until the siamese fur begins to darken to match my clothing. please adjust your expectations accordingly.

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