Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Wizzy and the Sculptures

Wizzy and the Sculptures
Originally uploaded by emdot.

Wizard has left the building

The day has come. Well, it came. Last Saturday. Dearest, most cantankerous, and crusty-headed Wizard has passed on to the great arm-chair with the sunny spot in the sky.

Dan called last night to tell me.

Michael called this morning.

Michael: Yep, so it was Saturday.
Mar: What a shocker...
Michael: Yep.
Mar: Well, not so shocking.
Michael: Yeah, not shocking at all. What's shocking is when he'd still be around every Christmas.

How old was Wizard? It's anyone's guess. I remember him hanging out at the Establishment in 1989 and by then he was already a full-grown cat of about two. That makes him born around 1987. Which would make him about 18.

The last few years when friends would come in from out of town and see Wizard laying in the sun or walking down the street, you could hear them suck in a little breath and then say "Wizard! I was afraid to ask about you."

Wizard didn't have nine lives. He had 29 lives. He was bold, he was brash, he was bossy and he was consistently cool. In fact, cool is the operative word for Wizard, even in the last few years when his legs lost their bounce and his fur lost it's temptation for petting.

Wizard, I loved you a lot my little four-legged friend. You were one of the best cats I've ever known. One of the most funny and interesting. And I will forever fondly remember you heading butting my door, your way of letting me know you wanted in.

» Old post about Wizard from 2001

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