Tuesday, January 27, 2004

the daily distraction (number 5 version)

if you know me you know i love the number five. i can't remember a time in my life when i didn't know that five is my lucky number. so god love 5ives.com, a snorting-coffee-out-of-your-nose site listing the author's top-five for the most random of things.

five reasons to bookmark 5ives.com
1. Five ill-advised giveaway nights at the ballpark
2. Five observations from my first 25 minutes of yoga
3. Five things I'd like to teach the world this Christmas
4. Five great reasons to buy a Hummer
5. Five resolutions for the new year

» get your 5ives on

emdot's list of fives

five things i tend to call cats i like
1. little kitty bad girl
2. mamacitabonita
3. kittencaboodle
4. puss
5. shoogiebooglovebug

five things i don't miss from seventh grade (circa 1979)
1. the i hate [any girl's name] club
2. living across the street from the school in the very crappy house
3. still being a little girl surrounded by eighth grade women
4. still loving disco
5. buying my clothes at j.c. penney's

five ways to get someone to stop listening to you
1. interrupt so you can watch a commercial
2. site right-wing fringe blog as your resource
3. call yourself middle-of-the-road when you are the most liberal person i've ever met
4. reference event or band from 1982 as cool nearly every single day
5. preface your rebuttal with "shut the fuck up"

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