Wednesday, January 07, 2004

mac attack

on christmas i killed my ibook. well, killed may be a strong word with negative connotations. there was an accident and it went into a coma. luckily i had the new pc waiting in the wings, so i could pull a mar-style and leave the ibook in it's cute little glove til "later."

i love later.

it's so elusive.

later turned out to be today. my mom had a Mac Guy come to her house to help her set up her home office (and bill's home office). she called me all urgent like: git yer butt over here and bring your computer; when can you ge---"

i couldn't hear the rest cuz i was out the door, cute iBook glove in hand.

so here's the scoop: on christmas i put panther on my 2yo iBook (not the top of its class, but more than wonderfully perfect). was running 9.2 and 10.0. i met all of panther's requirements with nothing to spare. not a megabyte, not a minibyte, not a nibble, not a nothin'. loaded panther. prrrfect (hence the name, panther). reboot.

and that's when comatose became the word of the day.

it would technically reboot as there was a chime and there was a happy mac face smiling up at me... and then zhjooom. down. shut down. good night. bye bye. gonzo.

turns out it was because i only had 30% battery charge.

i let my little mac sweetheart sleep in the glove for almost two weeks because it wasn't plugged in.

good lord. i suck.

meanwhile, Mac Guy says "don't put panther on til you get more RAM." so i'm gonna.

meanwhile, i'm still cheating on the ibook with the pavilion. thing is, the pavilion is pretty awesome. and though not the coolest machine on the block (apologies to hp friends) a whole lot faster than the 2yo iBook.

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