some of this was covered yesterday
So, I'm such a silly internet groupie. First there was David Siegel and I thought Dave was it and I would pledge my journal-reading-soon-to-be-called-blog-reading troth to Mr. Neurotic in all his fringe-loving, ski-teaching, breastfeeding-obsessed, no no that should be swiss-women-obsessed, meat-disdaining glory.
How short-sited I was. For now I worship at the alter of Dooce (has it only been a year? not even a year yet? I feel like I've been worshipping her for forever). And I bow respectively in the direction of so many great web creators such as Heather Champ (mirror project and others), Derek Powazek ( and others), Andrea Scher (superhero jewelry), Keri Smith (wish jar journal), and Witold Riedel (eponymously named and cutest pole in town, if your town happens to be NYC). And let's not forget the Australian Sweetheart, Loobylu.
This summer has seen the engagement of Keri Smith (if those blog entries don't bring a tear to your eye then obviously your innards have been under enormous pressure and turned your heart into a lump of coal — keep going for it cuz you'll eventually get a diamond) and the marraige of Heather Champ and Derek Powazek.
Now, that marriage, considering that these are two of the most influential hip web guiding lights that we have seen since, oh, 1998.... and considering that their guest-list consisted of a veritible who's who (aka who's read) of the hip web world (hip meaning, I read them, of course), you would THINK that there would be blog entries a-plenty on this damn wedding.
Silence. The Silence on this wedding was KILLING me. Turns out, Dooce got food poisening and barfed so many times that her fingers could type no story. Caterina? She just didn't even mention it AT ALL. (Rzzl frzzl Caterina.). Yesterday I was finally left to actually google "heather, derek, wedding" to get any sort of buzz at all. (And now I bow at the alter of TENYEARSOFMYLIFE — the same guy that gave CJ a run for her money for Forbes top photoblog. But that guy is awesome. And very tall. And married. Shit. I guess he's not my missing sock.). Anyway. so, I got a little nibble — enough to hold me over for today's glorious posting from Dooce.
And finally I get my fill of All Powazek Wedding / All the Time. And I got introduced to Mighty Girl who makes me think of Stacia. And my fingers started fluttering at the keyboards and I, yet again, wrote too damn much about a small little thing.
I'm nothing if not something to distract you from work, something to click past, or something to clutter up your desktop. My work here is done. Go read Dooce. And then read A Whole Lotta Nothing.
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