Friday, September 10, 2004

from across the world

Jan, who I always talk about once a year, when she is stateside, just sent out an interview link. This is all about the company she just spent two years with: Action Against Hunger.

» Jan, AAH, Tajikistan

I think I've done my fair share of fawning over Jan in the past... okay... can't resist... must fawn more. Jan is awesome and someone I admire so much. It's funny, we lived together for two years, but I feel like we became better friends afterwards. (I chalk that up to the Stab being filled with Alpha Females, or as my friend Cynthia calls herself, The Alpha Bitch.). Jan is one of those people you just hope to know in your life. She lives life from the marrow. And she shoots it straight. And yet she's tender and sweet and very caring. But do not cross her. You've been warned.

Jan left Tajikistan a few months ago and is in the process of starting a stateside life. Either a Ph.D program or teaching at Poly. Of course, being selfish I'm rooting for the Poly deal.

» Some of Jan's Tajik pics from last summer

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