Friday, September 10, 2004


Originally uploaded by emdot.
Good lord I'm up late. I blame the road buzz. Traveling always messes with my ability to get some sleep. Like my car was traveling 80, but my chi was only traveling 9 mph, so I'm still in journey mode. Or something. What? Reaching?

So, great to be back (though loved the away time, too). I missed everyone and it was so nice to be welcomed back so warmly.

Meanwhile. I love serendipity. I just checked my other email address, the one that is being phased out. And this is what was waiting for me:

Wake Up; Time to Die

There will be a moment
When I realize it’s time to die.
This thought occurred sitting
At the kitchen table,
Having eaten cow,
And the wind came up
In a gust, blowing through
The open window.
I saw the clouds
and the sun outside.
The experience was of a piece
Like a twenty year old snapshot.
It was prophetic, like the
Time you didn’t get on the airplane
And met someone you wouldn’t have met…
Went somewhere you wouldn’t have gone.
There’s no analysis in this. It is what is.
It is the senses opening to the magic,
Suddenly, without thinking.
Magic is only knowing what time it is.
— John Tischer

Another favorite Tischer poem is here.

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