Friday, December 24, 2004

a funny little conversation

My mom and I did a little last-minute Christmas shopping today. And now I don't even remember how it came out but my mom, flabberghasted with me for some reason or another -- but not real flabberghast, more like... adoringly annoyed -- tells me: do you know who you are like? You are just like Amy March!

(For those of you who don't know, Amy March was the youngest sister in the book Little Women... often seen as the more selfish or self-centered of the March sisters... but very loveable and sweet.)

And I loved the comparison. Because I have long thought that I identified a little too closely with Amy March. To be honest... I'm not Amy March because I can't do the whole "proper" thing (that is where I am more like Jo).... But I long admired Amy because she was the one who got to be the artist, got to travel, got to see the world, and got the guy in the end. It was only Jo's stupid stubbornness that kept her from realizing her dreams. Amy wasn't stubborn at all (and neither am I) and was more able to see the ways of the world, and working those in order to get her dreams fulfilled.

Maybe we should all be more like Amy March.

running into daves

Tuesday afternoon I was walking to Big Sky with KB when I saw a guy in front of us and I thought for sure it was Dave D. I haven't seen Dave D. in well over a year and hadn't thought of him in a bit (though always have nice thoughts -- Dave is one of the coolest bosses I've ever had). As the guy got closer I could see it wasn't Dave.

THEN... just ten minutes later I did indeed run into Dave D. at Big Sky. Weird, right?

Today, running errands with my mom another Dave popped into my head: Dave B. And I thought of him and his girlfriend and how great it was to hang out with them last summer and that I should definitely give them a call very soon to do something -- hadn't heard from him or seen him since last August.

Mom and I run into the store to get something and who is there but Dave B. !! How weird is that?

I'm sure I should think these posts out more before I post them, but I got an itchy trigger/publish finger.

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