Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Originally uploaded by raygrasso.

when stirmenting, go work out

Yesterday I was going a little crazy. Stir crazy. I blame the computer. I blame me spending too much time on the computer. I blame the immediacy of the computer and my addiction to it's constant positive reinforcement of always something new for me to see, do, respond to, check out. I blame too many hours trying to work, but flickr-ing instead, writing email instead.

Next thing you know, I'm all worked up. Ancy. Unsure. Cloudied. Just a crazy energy. And one that I'm none to fond of.

And then I remembered: working out. I needed to be physical. Spending a lot of time infront of the computer? Then you gotta balance it out with some physical motion. So yesterday evening I spent 90 minutes in the gym... 30 minutes on the treadmill and 60 minutes doing a Tai Chi-Yoga-Pilates combo class.

And I could just feel that crazy energy dissipate. THANK GOD FOR THAT. So my new rule is working out daily for my sanity.

it's been a gastronomical extravanza and it's not to let up for a few more days

Last night was dinner at Buona Tavola and all I gotta say (ask) is, how come I don't eat there more often? Deliciously liplickingly good. I had raviolis with saffron and stuffed with scampi. Hello tastebuds.

the missing

I hate missing people, because it hurts my heart. Actually... I'm funny that way. I know a lot of people that get homesick or miss people who aren't around. I'm rarely like that. And I think it's because I know they are just a phone call away, a visit away. Home will be there when I get back (plus... I like being a little transient; I don't think I've ever been homesick in my life). What I hate is when someone isn't around and there is no way to check in... meaning... they aren't a phone call away. They aren't an email away. And maybe you don't even know where things were left. And all you know is that you miss them and you don't know if you'll ever see them again. That's the type of missing I don't like. Most of my life has been set up to avoid this situation. So when I do find myself in this space, it only adds to the stir craziness.

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