Monday, October 04, 2004

Monday, Monday

I'm the only person in the entire universe who likes Mondays. What can I say? I like fresh starts and appreciate having one every single week. Plus I was born on a Monday.

Recent fun things.

Beer with new friend. Always fun. 'Cept Mar Mar Superstar should prolly stick with just one, even though I only had just two. But just one-and-a-half and I start feeling a little overly silly and the mouth starts going and the enthusiasm starts flowing and someone. should. really. stop. me. Either that or feed me dinner beforehand.

Janski's in town. Time with Jan always makes me fired up to go out there and live my life. Cuz hers is so... adventurous and productive. Back for a few months from a few years in a far-off-distant Asia where her best friends were muslim men and she became accustomed to regularly intermittant electricity, Jan has stories that make you happy to be a part of the human race.

She traded me her stories for Flickr Lessons. We spent a couple hours going through how to set up an account, how to create a flickr web address (bean, maya, jdr/calvo, kellsbells [<— new nickname for mscaprikell] — all y'all need to do this), showing how contacts, groups, privacy settings, comments, notes, blog this, and favorites work — the whole shebang. Tomorrow we're going over Blogger.

Jan's only uploaded a couple of pictures from Tajikistan, but they are worth a gander.
» Janski's photos
» Jan from Last Summer

For your listening pleasure
» The man who surfed the whale
» Zach Braff interview
Zach Braff? What's not to love.

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