Friday, October 29, 2004

The this, the that

Marvelling. Would you call it "it's getting old" if I said once again how god damn beautiful it is today? There's something about the weather after it rains. The full moon has made the tides extra high. The rain has made the atmosphere extra clear. And our hills are already greening -- about three months earlier than usual.

Speeding along. Today I had to relinquish the fast lane as I was not going fast enough for the Ford F250 behind me. :) But I got to the right and didn't even call him a name when I saw that he had a Bush Cheney sticker on his bumper.

Worrying. This election has got me a little fearful. Worried that if GW wins the world will change, our allies will leave us, and we will continue this downward spiral of untrustworthiness, deception, and fear. Worried that if Kerry wins our nation will continue to be divided as the Evil Contingency that plots things on the right (not all the right are evil -- I understand this) will continue to promote divisive dialogue, not allowing our nation to heal or become unified.

Wondering. Did we get the name wrong? Are we actually the Divided States of America?

Digging. This little email rush that has happened twice since my high school reunion last August -- someone will write an email to everyone and then there is a deluge of "I miss you" and "hope you are doing well" emails. God those warm my soul. I love having these old friendships still around me... like putting on that old HS sweatshirt and seeing that it still fits... or something. I'm reaching, but the words aren't quite there.

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