Monday, February 14, 2005

just a couple things

I forgot who said "how you do one thing is how you do all things," but I find that quote to be one of the most true things I've ever heard. I see it in my life all over the place. How I do one thing is how I do all things. And I'd like to change some things, I really would.

I wish I had my guitar down here. I really do.

You know, if I started to learn how to play the fiddle now, in five years I bet I wouldn't be that bad. And five years is not so far away.

Kanye West (who I'd never heard of before yesterday because I'm so not in that demograph in any way) had the best acceptance speech of all time:
"Nothing in life is promised except death. You need to appreciate every moment. A lot of people don't appreciate their moment until it's passed.".
(I can't seem to find the whole quote, but I'll put it in here when I find it.)

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