Monday, August 02, 2004

aka, hey, emdot, where's yer comments section

Jim and Johnny
Jim and Johnny B., back in the day

Regarding yesterday's story of stinky marsh mud, JB concurs:
yup, not a myth, but mud. duh! ccs is the place to be when it comes to booties. not the pirate type. as the picture goes, jb hearts coordinating kids culture. also, jb is a lover of smells, no not just his own, but of wet wood and humidity choking prairy brush.
— johnny b

SLO Town's loss is Oregon's gain. Johnny B sold his house, packed his stuff, grabbed his dog and moved to Bend. (What is it with the SLO migration to Oregon?) Meanwhile, it's the internet's gain too, cuz JB's got blog. But Emdot's got no comments section (because Emdot is a chicken), so in the meantime, in the absense of comments on El Meandering Streamies, Johnny sends his via email.

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