Saturday, August 14, 2004

gmail broken down on the side of the IPO road

If you've written me an email in the last three days and I have rudely not responded it is because g-mail, that currently hip email address, is showing its true beta colors and is down down down. For days days days.

I actually think this is a God & Google consipiracy. God has heard my prayers of "O Lord, help me to conquer this evil Procrastination Practice once and for all," etc. But said in a Buddhist way, which is non-theistic, topped with some agnostic maybe-there-is-a God hope (because how else can explain the daily beauty?). Meanwhile. Some Sovereign Someone-or-another heard the call. The strategy? Bring the email down.

And so. No gmail. But dear readers, my Procrastination Practice is cunning and I have found many other ways to keep myself away from what I really want to do.

I need a boss whose name is not my own. Rzzl. Frzzl. Someone to hold the whip. Someone to sarge me into doing what I need to be doing. Or something.

Must. Make. Fingers. Stop. Typing.

So, total girly thing. Me and KB rented Before Sunrise on Thursday night (took us three video stores to find it) and went to see Before Sunset on Friday. This has one of the all time best movie endings. Great ending.

Me. Well. I am sucker for these what-if movies. From things like Before Sunset to Me Myself I or that Nicholas Cage movie where he wakes up in his alternalife. I always wonder about my alternalife. And that makes me either pathetic or completely normal. Wait. Are those synonyms? ;)

Maybe you only dream about your alternalife when you had not the balls to follow the dreams. And I think that is it. So Bean, Johnny: hats off to you two. Picking up and heading out for Bigger and Better or just Breaking the Ruts that Bind.

Last night was fun: Music in the Plaza, Thai food for six and a little drinky at McCarthy's where I pleaded with the bartender to go easy on the Tanquerey and he complied. Today. Catching up with all the things put off from my Procrastination Practice (I could teach a master class, I'm telling you. That's Dr. Procrastination on my business cards.).

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