Saturday, August 21, 2004

learning to sleep again

So, this week has been really productive on a couple of different fronts.

One, I moved into my office/deluxe cubby. (Correction: my actual office/deluxe cubby is still being built out, so I'm just kinda hanging out in the middle of the front room at the moment). This has made a huge difference in productivity and the way I view working. For the first time in almost a year I feel ready to work full time.

Man it takes a long time to recover from the Burn(out) Ward. Hand me some employment salve, will you? Thanks, you're a love.

My new office is about 20 minutes from my house. For some reason, driving out there every day totally makes me happy. Plus, it's right on the bay (the town, not the office) and I love going for walks and smelling the ocean air and watching the fog roll in.

Tonight after work I called up KB and said, Can you get here quick? And she, my mom, and I went for a sunset walk along the bluffs. The sunset was amazing: it actually streaked the ocean pink and deep purple. I've never seen that before: wide stripes that ran perpindicular to the coast. And there was a crescent of a moon and the water was just ethereally smooth and ripply all the same time.

I've decided that God's got his own cable channel. It's called the sky. Be sure to tune in around dusk.

KB said that once on an evening mtn bike ride that they came up to a deer that was watching the sunset. Standing by himself in Montana de Oro, just gazing out towards the ocean and watching the Sky Show.

Oh, I almost forgot. The other reason why this week was so productive: restarted the workout program. Man. Nothing makes you sleep better than working out. Well, except maybe prescription pills or an overdose of stress (some people's stress reaction is to instantly fall asleep; I may be one of these people.) But that's not my point. My point is I have finally been getting to bed at a decent hour. And crashing. And I love that.

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