Sunday, August 15, 2004

okay, here's the deal

Gmail's not down. But I think my IP address has been flagged as nuh-uh-no-way. KB has a job where she can submit tens of sites to search engines in a small amount of time. This has gotten our IP banned before. So my hunch is, that is what is happening now. So, no email for me until she gets back and can plead and beg whatever powers that happen to be. GrrMail. (Ed. note: Just had to reboot the router.)

Meanwhile, today is filled with chores and work and to early-reward myself (see that is my problem -- I have no power in the face of instagratification) I bought the latest Graves and the latest Little Wings.

At the risk of sounding ridiculous (happened before) lemme just say: I am really excited about this Graves CD. Maybe too much as last years Love Love Love was my number two slobbermusicfest of the year. It could be that I loved that CD so much last year that any follow up couldn't stand up. Anticipation is always the best, anyway. How can reality compete? I just wanna hear The 209 and I Am So Tired again for the first time.

Graves are published by same label as the Decemberists. More former slomusos on same label = Bobby Birdman and Northern & Western.

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